About Us

CDB About Us

Recycling can be expressed as re-using the recyclable waste materials that are no longer used in manufacturing processes as raw materials by using technology and various recycling methods.

The population increase in today’s world, fast development of technology, industrialisation and urbanization, waste due to increased consumption have negative impacts on the environment and human health. This causes using natural resources more than their capacity and ever-increasing environmental problems.

This century had negative impacts on the fundamental physical elements of nature which are the air, water and soil as well as humans and other living beings due to industrialization, urbanization, technological developments and increased population.

CDB Recycle contributes to the recycling of rapidly decreasing resources and continues to create added value to the domestic economy with technology investments in preparing recyclable waste into raw materials that can be used in the industries.

CDB Recycle manufactures granule which is a commonly used raw material in various fields of industry as well as nylon bags used in supermarkets and garbage bags. We manufacture products to meet the needs of our extensive customer base with global brand value.

CDB Recycle decomposes metal scrap and aluminium scrap in scrap decomposition facilities with new generation machine parks. We separate and recycle metal waste supplied from domestic and international suppliers.